Zoey's Story | Page 13 | Youth Insearch


Fri, 07/12/2018 - 13:20


Newsletter, Stories

Earlier this year, Zoey shared her Youth Insearch journey through ABC Heywire, a national competition that asks students to share stories about their lives in rural and remote areas. Zoey's work was recognised with a Highly Commended Certificate for her work, and we at Youth Insearch are proud as punch!

"Hi, My name is Zoey. In November 2017 I started participating in this program called Youth Insearch... Everyone goes for their own reason... I went to help myself and find some ways of accepting my past, understanding that it wasn't my fault with some of what happened, and moving on and letting it go".

"Since becoming a part of Youth Insearch, I have met so many wonderful people who are supportive and caring. They show love and encouragement. I have also seen people cry and let go of things that they have never spoken about, or things that they have had on their minds for a long time... It's a very supportive place, and I have grown to love this program. It has become, in a way, a sense of home and belonging".