Kate's Story | Page 14 | Youth Insearch


Wed, 19/12/2018 - 09:08


Newsletter, Stories

If you want proof leaders aren't born but are developed through a series of challenges and setbacks, look no further than Kate Hornick. The Dalby girl has overcome a turbulent youth to now be a shining light amongst her peers.

Kate was recognised for her incredible turnaround this year, when she completed the Youth Insearch leaders training program. Youth Insearch is an organisation that helps troubled youth throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Kate has been involved with the program for just over a year.

"We go on weekend programs where we all get together and talk about what's happened and we work out strategies to overcome our problems,” Kate said.

"We all get a chance to talk about our problems and meet people that have had the same issues.

"It's changed me totally as a person. It's given me different pathways to change my life and become a better person and the person I want to be.”

Kate needed to undertake a certain amount of programs to be able to apply for leadership, she also had to overcome her personal problems which landed her with Youth Insearch in the first place. Now the 16-year-old Dalby State High School student has her sights firmly set on being a compassionate leader other youth will follow.

"I hope to turn into role model for younger members and peers at high school,” she said.

"For me I think to be a good leader you need to be approachable, you need to be someone who people can trust so they will share their problems with you.”

Kate also encouraged other teenagers to join Youth Insearch if they need assistance in overcoming some issues.

"You meet people from everywhere and make lifelong friends... it gives you pathways you never thought you'd be able to have. "Hopefully I'm involved with Youth Insearch for a very long time.

"I want to be able to help as many young people as I can get the best outcome in their life.” 

Courtesy Dalby Times