Kit's Story | Page 10 | Youth Insearch


Tue, 27/07/2021 - 12:52


Stories, Leaders Training

Kit joined the Youth Insearch Program in March 2019 when he was 15 years old. Since then, Kit has attended 6 weekend workshops, 19 virtual support groups, and 3 face-to-face support groups. Kit relocated from country NSW to Melbourne in early 2020 and has just been accepted into the Youth Insearch Leadership program for 2021 and we are all super excited to see Kit meet his individual life goals. This is Kit’s story.

There were many ups and downs in my life before joining the Youth Insearch program, and although many people face the same or similar things, it was taking a toll on my mental wellbeing.

The way I thought about myself, the way I perceived others and my difficulties around trusting others. I found Youth Insearch through some friends who were going and being a part of the program has helped me to trust people, get off drugs, and improve my mental wellbeing. By attending the weekend workshops and support groups I was supported, loved and accepted in a way that I had never experienced before.

My life would be completely different if I had not given Youth Insearch a go. I am pretty sure that I would still be doing drugs, self harming, be angry at everyone around me and would probably still be homeless.

Youth Insearch gave me the confidence to ask for help and assisted me to get my life on track, and do the things that I wanted for me - without someone telling me what I “should” do. Being a part of the program helped me to believe in myself again, something that I thought would never happen. I felt empowered, successful and strong.

The Youth Insearch program helps you to realise that your goals are achievable. My personal long-term goal is to have my own stable housing and employment. After that I will be travelling, either to another state in Australia, as I haven’t had the opportunity to do that, or to visit another country.