Lions District Q4 at Bundaberg March 2019 | Page 16 | Youth Insearch


Mon, 08/04/2019 - 15:06


Newsletter, Supporters

Three of the most amazing gentleman heading up the Q4 Lions District team at the recent March Bundaberg weekend workshop. We presented an Affirmation Card to the Lions signed by everyone to  express our appreciation that they are with us nearly every Bundaberg weekend workshop and travel from as far as the Sunshine Coast. These guys worked tirelessly to provide support and food for 39 young people over the weekend because they are passionate about Youth Insearch and embrace the work that happens over the weekend.  The young people adore them for the time and love they give unconditionally to everyone, each and every program. 


Young people attend because of numerous challenges that are going on in their young lives, and have expressed their appreciation of the program.

“I realised I take my anger out on the good people around me and, after the drugs and alcohol session, I realised that it is possible to live life without drugs”

“I’ve learnt different ways to cope, and got to say stuff to my group about my mum that I’ve held in for a while”