Double weekend in Victoria and Queensland

Double weekend in Victoria and Queensland

Youth Insearch ran a double weekend on 26-28 March, with a workshop held in Bundaberg Queensland, and in Forest Edge Victoria. 

Forest Edge Victoria

We were so excited about our first face-to-face program in Victoria since March 2020 that we forgot to take the Team Photo until the last minute on Sunday.  Despite the new COVID conditions, the connection, love and space for healing is something that no mask or gloves can stop. 

Forest Edge was the tranquil setting for our first program in just over 12 months, with a safe space and place for young people, mostly new participants, that were able to feel safe enough to open up about the real issues holding them back or that they have been dealing with. 

There were lots of new strategies, points of view and voices heard. We witnessed new and old school dance moves at our Masquerade Entertainment theme on the Saturday night where the chicken dance, time warp and nut bush were just a few of the moves, and a few local talents on display to with some magic tricks and singing and dancing. 

There was a bus load of young people who came along form our new partnership with Latrobe Youth Space – along with our Placed Based Model Youth Worker for Youth Insearch - Maree May - and the Latrobe Youth Space Program Manager Emma Hollingsworth. It was fantastic to see this wonderful space where the youth of the Latrobe Valley can come together and get the support of community organisations as well as from their peers, with lots of peer-lead programs and consultations.

There were also young people from Maffra Secondary College who came along with their Place Based Model Youth Worker - Julie Proud - who is based in the school two days a week; and some fantastic young people from the Bairnsdale and surrounding areas.

One participant stated

"I got the support and help to be me a little more and know that I'm not alone." 

A first time participant said

"It helped get a lot of weight off my chest then about a day or two after camp I noticed I was happy, just naturally happy, which normally doesn't happen as I need a reason."

Our new Regional Coordinator Tony Willacy was on hand to make sure that everything was where it needed to be, and it felt like Christmas because he was checking the list and checking it twice. 

Tony has only been in the role for just over six weeks, but that doesn’t lessen the size of the passion he has to make a difference to the young people of the Gippsland and Latrobe areas. Tony is working in communities to look for further place based models for our program to reach as many young people as we can, where they are. 

If you’d like to know more about bringing Youth Insearch to your community contact us today.


Bundaberg Queensland

It was really amazing to have everyone back at face-to-face programs in Bundaberg for 2021. Despite all the new COVID regulations that we worked within, there was a great sense of connection between everyone.

You could really feel the love in the room.

Huge thanks to the Lions Club District 201 Q4 for their support with catering for the Bundaberg workshop - you always come through for these young people, and we appreciate you.

We had large number of new young people and support adults experiencing the program in action for the first time. With that they bought along some new ideas and strategies that were shared around. 

It was so amazing to see how in one weekend, how providing such a safe and supporting environment can provide young people with a space to feel heard and accepted.

For some this was the first time that they got to share their story and feel validated and connected.

This was the first weekend workshop that our Social Worker in Bundaberg, Adam, had attended, and this is what Adam had to say:

“I am blown away by what Youth Insearch achieves for young people – young people clearly leave camps inspired and empowered.”

The weekend was also the last workshop our esteemed Regional Coordinator, Heather Cummings, would attend as a staff member - but don't worry, she wants to continue her support in the volunteer role of Support Adult and as a Leader in the future.

Was also great to see the interest that even new participants had in pursuing the Youth Insearch leadership program.

We are looking forward to many more weekend workshops in Bundaberg as we move through 2021.


We are always looking out for adult volunteers to come along and support the young people who participate in our program. Involvement in Youth Insearch is an incredibly rewarding opportunity, and is such an asset to these young people who may not have had many adult role models in their lives previously.

To apply to volunteer with us, please submit your details via our Adult Involvement application.