Individual Support

Youth Insearch provides young people aged 12-25 with access to 1:1 support from either a qualified Social Worker or Lived Experience Peer Worker, which includes goal setting, individual based care, and support to link in with services to support identified needs.

This also includes Network Meetings which is a co-created space involving two facilitators, a young person, and their chosen support network. These teams work to help all those involved to be together and engage in dialogue, where all voices are respected. 


"Some parents spoke of the hope that they had placed in the program before[hand], others that they were initially nervous that there may in fact be negative impacts. In the end, however, all found that the positive outcomes met or exceeded their expectations."

  • “I think this is the most effective program I've ever been involved with”

    - Youth Refuge Worker

  • “86% of services said that they would definitely continue their involvement in the program”

  • “Amongst all stakeholders ‘the program was seen ‘as one of a kind’ that has excellent results in addressing a range of issues and empowering young people to make positive changes to their lives’”

  • “Three common elements made Youth Insearch camps stand out above [other programs] - effectiveness, depth and youth involvement”

  • “[The other program] was still a good program, but it wasn’t so effective in long term positive change.”

    - School Counsellor

  • “Many commented that they had been skeptical about expecting positive outcomes at first, due to their experiences with other youth programs, but that they were quickly won over once they saw (or saw outcomes from) the program in action. In the end all found that the positive outcomes met or exceeded their expectations.”

  • “Among [services] … the most common theme to emerge when discussing the program was their surprise in the level of success the program had in empowering young people to make real changes in their attitudes and behaviour’s. Several commented that the program did this in a way they had not seen any other programs do so, and worked effectively with young people who were facing the most difficult of issues. There was also praise for the inclusive nature of the program and the ability it has to help young people with such a wide range of issues.”

    (Urbis: 2003, pp.12, 36, 65)

  • "I saw a change in attitude and behaviours just throughout the weekend from several YP"

  • "I have been in the sector for a long time however never experienced anything like this program

  • I get so much of a better understanding on how to deal with my YP. 

  • “It’s always been a pleasure being part of the weekend workshop. It not only helps me to support my young people in a better way but it also gives me an opportunity to do self reflection”

  •  "Youth Insearch has the solution"