Trainee Leader Spotlight - Shania

Trainee Leader Spotlight - Shania

Shania is a Trainee Leader who recently attended her first Weekend Workshop after attending more than 85 hours of Virtual Leaders Training during 2020.

"Becoming a Youth Insearch Trainee Leader was one of the proudest moments of my life and being able to come back onto a program and run my first session after 12 months of only virtual catch ups and training was amazing and definitely worth it! 

The first workshop back from 11 months waiting was definitely a blast!  

I'm proud to say I'm a part of the Youth Insearch community because without Youth Insearch, I wouldn't be who I am today and I definitely wouldn't be as strong and patient as I am!  I can't wait for more programs and am proud to say that I'm a part of Team Quaranteam 2020-21!

Thank you Youth Insearch for the support through my journey of life. I can't wait to become a courageous leader and help young people like myself through their journeys!"