Back to School

Your Back to School Toolkit

We know going back to school can cause a mix of excitment and nerves whether your starting a new school or new grade were here to help. youth insearch can help you with some tips and resources for a positive transition. For some of you, you may be going to a new school or a new grade! You might be excited about reconnecting with friends, while for others it might bring on some stress about the year ahead! Whether your a student or a parents, navigating the back to school season can sometimes be overwhelming, but it doesn;t have to be. 

At Youth Insearch we believe in supporting young people every step of the way of their journey, We're here to help you thrive and not just survive the school year. 


For Youth

Study Tips!

  • The 25-Minute Power Hour
    Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on one task. When the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break to stretch or grab a snack. Repeat this for 3-4 rounds and feel your productivity soar!

  • Make It a Study Party 🎉
    Studying doesn’t have to be boring! Grab some friends (or even family) and turn it into a study sesh with snacks, music and challenges with each other. Who can get through the most flashcards in 10 minutes? 👀

  • Get Moving Before You Study 🏃‍♀️
    A quick walk or stretch before diving into your books can get your blood flowing and your brain ready to absorb all that info. Plus, it’s a great excuse to take a break from sitting all day!

  • Teach It to Someone Else 👩‍🏫
    If you can explain a concept to someone else, you really know it! Grab a buddy, or even your pet (they’re great listeners 🐶), and try teaching them what you’ve just learned. It’ll help cement the info in your brain.


Don’t Forget Your Mental Health 💆‍♂️💆‍♀️

Now going back to school might feel like a big change, especially if you are moving up a year or just starting a new school. Here are some tips to help you manage your start of the year and your mental health. 

1. Healthy Habits

Make sure you are looking after yourself! Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well and taking time to relax. Small moments of self care whether it be a walk outside or just taking a break from your phone can make a huge difference in how you feel. 

2. Reach out

If you are feeling anxious, stressed or just unsure about the new year, dont hesitate to reach out and talk to someone you trust. Whether its a friend, a family member or a school teacher. You don't have to handle it all on your own!

3. Stay connected with Friends

Friendships an be one of your biggest sources of support at school and during the year. Stay in touch with your friends and have fun! Having people ot talk to and spend time with, even if its school work, can help you be less stressed!

4. Take it one step at a time

Going back can be a little overwhelming, especially if facing new challenges. Take it one step at a time! Break down your work! One way to manage it is to break things down. Focus on one task at a time, whether it is homework, studying for a test or finishing a project. Don't try to do it all at once. If you are struggling, don't hestitate to ask for help! Teachers, family and Friends are there to help and support! Remember it is okau to not have all the answers right away! 


For Parents

Tips and Tricks


Stay in Touch with Teachers ✏️

  • Make sure you regularly check in with your child’s teachers to stay updated on their progress and any areas where they might need extra support. 


Help Them Stay Motivated 🎯

  • Work with your young person to set realistic and exciting goals for the school year. Whether it’s improving in a subject, making new friends, or joining a club, goals give them something to look forward to!


Support Their Social Life 🤝

  • Help your child stay connected with friends by arranging playdates or group activities. Social skills are just as important as academic ones! 


Communication 💬

  • Make sure you ask your child how they are feeling about going back to school. Whether they are excited or anxious, give them a space to tak! This can help them feel supported. If they are not ready to talk, thats okay too! Just let them know you are there when they're ready.


Encourage Routine and Organisation 📚

  • Helping your child have a consistent routine can help your child feel less anxious and more in control. Help them set up a good school schedule which includes time for homework and resting. Being organised can help them reduce their stress and make te school journey easier.


Signs of Struggle 🧠

  • If your child is withdrawing or becoming more irritable it is important to check in on them. Mental health challenges can show up in various ways. It is important to watch out and become proactive in offering support. 


Manage Expectations 💡

  • School can cometimes be tough! It is important to make sure they are setting realistic expectations. Make sure you are encouraging your child to focus on themselves and their goals rather than perfection. Celebrate the small achievements!




Additional Resources

Here are some great resources to help both parents and youth navigate the back to school season:

  • Kids Helpline – Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources for Schools: Kids Helpline
  • Tava Health – Back-to-School Mental Health Checklist: Tava Health
  • Crisis Text Line – Back-to-School Parent & Educator Toolkit: Crisis Text Line
  • NSW Department of Education – Useful Websites & Resources for Parents: NSW Education
  • NAMI – Back-to-School Resources for Youth and Young Adults: NAMI
  • Today – 11 Free Back-to-School Resources for Kids & Parents: Today
  • 2Connect – 8 Handy Tips for Being Back at School: 2Connect
  • MCRI – Transitioning Back to School: A Guide for Parents of Adolescents: MCRI



Support from Youth Insearch:

At Youth Insearch we get that the back to school period can be tough. That’s why we’re here to support young people in building resilience, managing stress, and navigating their mental health journey. If you know any young person who’s facing challenges and might need a little extra support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our programs are here to help, and we’d love to chat about how we can make a difference!

👉 Want to learn more about or programs? Click HERE!

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