I'm a parent


If your child is aged between 12 and 25 and going through a tough time we may be able to help. 

To refer your child call (02) 8855 9700.

Can we Help your Child?

We recognise that young people often have multiple challenges and diverse needs. Therefore we take a holistic approach supporting young people develop their skills to address:

  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Trust and Confidence
  • Parent & Adolescent Relationship Issues
  • Family Conflict, Dysfunction & Separation
  • Neglect
  • Homelessness
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse & Addiction
  • Sexual, Physical & Emotional Abuse
  • Grief & Loss
  • Self-Harm & Suicidal Ideation
  • Bullying
  • Sexuality

The program at its core has a focus on strengths and well-being. This means any young person no matter what their background can attend the program to increase their self-awareness, self-worth or simply help others. In fact, we find that the crossing of experiences is a valuable learning tool for all participants.

** Note: Youth Insearch does not accept young people who require detox if it is dangerous for them to go a weekend without drugs or alcohol and those in an acute stage of mental illness until they are stable.


To get involved, call us on 02 8855 9700

What Parents Say

We asked parents to explain how the program has helped them and their children. The following is a selection of feedback received from parents and the independent review body as part of independent reviews of the program commissioned by the NSW State and Federal Governments.

  • "Some parents spoke of the hope that they had placed in the program before[hand], others that they were initially nervous that there may in fact be negative impacts. In the end, however, all found that the positive outcomes met or exceeded their expectations."

  • “Parents in particular spoke of the increase in confidence and maturity they observed in their child, as well as their child’s ability to think beyond their own issues and to see their present difficulties in better perspective."

  • “One young person’s mother ... stated strongly that she had been impressed with the way that Youth Insearch had enabled her daughter to connect with people in a way that was not possible in their mother/daughter relationship.”

  • “The turnaround in Henry after that first Camp was amazing, It was like someone waived a magic wand. What astonished me was that he now wanted to help other kids…it was a dramatic turnaround” - Genevieve, Gosford, NSW

  • "Parents were often pleased to see the positive influence of a new circle of friends; one also discussed the positive impact they had seen in their child after they took on a mentoring role with another young person from the [program].” - Urbis: (2008 p.12)

  • "As a parent it doesn’t matter what you do or say – you can’t help them. I’m so glad she’s got somewhere to go – be with other kids who are where she’s at – she’s not the odd one out. When she goes to the camps she feels comfortable – other people in the same boat… [It] knocked me for six is that she is not the odd one out with mental illness… it’s very scary the number of young people in this situation."
    - Urbis (2003 p.56)

  • "For the first time it was good to feel welcomed”

  • “Doing a session on trust made me realised that how much my trust has grown since I have joined Youth Insearch"

  • “I felt seen and welcome, felt like I belonged to a family”

  • This camp changed me for the better, I love everyone, This camp is my family x“

  • “This camp is definitely amazing it has helped me in ways I didn’t think could. Thank you for letting me come”

  • I always love coming to camp!” 

  • “Fantastic to see this program evolve. My own personal growth has been amazing, thank you. Love volunteering here, the most rewarding program I do. Thank You”

  • “Fantastic organisation that not only saves lives but gives young people hope and a feeling of connectedness and belonging”




    “Fantastic organisation that not only saves lives but gives young people hope and a feeling of connectedness and belonging”






  • “Before reaching Youth Insearch, I had attended three counsellors, and a few psychologists, but it was not until I discovered Youth Insearch that I sought help to resolve my trauma, began to engage in the process, and stopped using drugs and self-harming,”

  • “Before coming to Youth Insearch, I was a traumatised, angry, and vulnerable young person, due to the many horrific experiences I faced as a young person.

    “I had no ambition, no goals and wanted nothing to do with life. Youth Insearch taught me different ways to cope and work through the issues that brought me to the program. I now have goals, and live my life doing what I love most.”