Our Program Councils | Youth Insearch

Our Program Councils

Our Program Councils are an integral part of the Youth Insearch governance and the culture of being a peer-led organisation.

Program Councils are elected by their peers in each State, and then each State elects representatives to form the National Program Council.

Being on a Program Council gives the opportunity for young Leaders to experience and receive training in the office bearer roles of Chairperson, Secretary and to become familiar with general meeting proceedings and etiquette.

The outcomes that come out of the Program Councils are fair and informed decisions relating to the person or discussions brought forward.

National Program Council 

In a proactive role, State Program Councils look at the program and make recommendations to the National Program Council for implementing changes, and maintain our core premise that Youth Insearch is about young people supporting and empowering other young people.

If there are any concerns around the involvement of individuals, or the running of a program, it is brought to the attention of the Program Councils for review, and the offer advice and/or recommendations in relation to the concerns raised.


The State Program Councils are in NSW, VIC and QLD and inform the National Program Council.